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GHRSST-XX > Scholarships


Several EUMETSAT Copernicus scholarships are available to help graduate students and early post-doctoral researchers in the field of ocean remote sensing attend G-XX.

The scholarship will provide support for your travel and your accommodation (including breakfast). All other costs will be at your own expenses.

To be eligible for this support, you must use, or plan to use, data from the Copernicus Marine Data Stream (CMDS – e.g., Sentinel data).

To be considered for support, please complete the scholarship Letter of Motivation template and follow the guidance within.

Positions will be filled based on the qualifications of the applicant and their motivation, and not on a first come, first served, basis.

The deadline to submit your request is 29th March 2019.

The Scholarship review process is still on going

20th GHRSST International Science Team Meeting (G-XX) website